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"The Natural Stone Experts"
Concrete Grinding & Polishing
What is polished concrete?
Concrete polishing has become the most unique flooring option on the market since every concrete floor has unique characteristics. Decorative cutting and dyes can create visually interesting floors. Additionally, with the movement towards green products, a polished concrete floor creates a natural, low-maintenance surface. Most of the large retail warehouse stores utilize polished concrete in their facilities because it is easier to clean and reflects up to 30% more light.
Concrete polishing is a multi-step process, depending on the quality of surface. The process uses diamonds to “sand” the concrete smooth, similar to the sanding of wood. Each step utilizes a different grit increment to create a more reflective, smoother floor. With the use of industrial vacuums, polishing is a dry, fume-free process.
What is concrete burnishing?
Have your polished concrete floors lost their shine? Concrete burnishing can make them “pop.” Foot traffic has a 400 to 500 grit abrasive impact. This will cause polished floors to dull. Burnishing is a noninvasive process that can be completed in an occupied facility.
What is concrete preparation?
Any flooring option installed over concrete requires a smooth, flat, and clean substrate. In addition, there may be residual product leftover, including carpet glue, tile mastic, or epoxy paint. Old products must be completely removed for the new flooring product.